
EIM Actuators
High quality electric and manual gear valve actuators. EIM offers a wide range of electric actuators with different frame sizes, horsepower ratings and output speeds readily tailored to your specific applications. EIM electric actuator products are selected by application requirements of voltage, torque, operating time, and valve shaft diameter. Quarter turn models from 400 to 400,000 foot pounds.
Multi turn models from 130 foot pounds to 16,000 foot pounds (single stem & dual stem) Single & phase, AC & DC power. Non Intrusive Designs. Networks with Masters supports 250 actuators up to 200 miles. Battery back up fail safe electric units.
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High quality electric and manual gear valve actuators. EIM offers a wide range of electric actuators with different frame sizes, horsepower ratings and output speeds readily tailored to your specific applications. EIM electric actuator products are selected by application requirements of voltage, torque, operating time, and valve shaft diameter.
Electric Actuators
High quality electric and manual gear valve actuators. EIM offers a wide range of electric actuators with different frame sizes, horsepower ratings and output speeds readily tailored to your specific applications. EIM electric actuator products are selected by application requirements of voltage, torque, operating time, and valve shaft diameter.